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5 Things Men Want From Their Wives | The Wise Wife

Men are not as simple as they are credited for. Men don’t expect their wives to be perfect but they do have other expectations that are important to them. Many women mistakenly believe that sex is something that their husbands want. Sex is not a want for a man, it is a need. Yes, right up there with oxygen, food and water. Sex is something that the male anatomy requires. As the female anatomy is different, this is something that many wives may not be able to comprehend. Let’s really dive into what men want from their wives.

1. Belief and Trust

These two can be separated but trust comes when you believe in someone, or something so they are here together. Men are problem solvers and they like tinkering with various things women find boring, or not worth their time. This usually means that men have their own ways of handling things that may be very different, from what a woman would do. Consult with your husband and show that you value his opinion. If he wants to do something differently, you can give him the opportunity to do so. If he fails, he can learn from his mistakes. It may be hard to avoid saying “I told you so” but your husband will love you for it. This trial and error mechanism is very important for men and it builds their self-confidence. Your husband wants you to trust that he can make the right decision whether it is in regards to your children, your home or work.

7 Signs That Your Husband Is Still In Love with You

2. Spending Time Together Outside Of The House

Some men want to spend time with their wives, doing the things that they did when they were dating. Spending time with each other at home is good and necessary but some men want to go out with their wives. Some women may want to stay at home as it is a hassle to get ready and they may be tired. Some men, on the other hand, may want to go out, enjoy themselves and show off their wives. Going out with the guys isn’t the same as going out with your wife. Your husband may not express his wish to go out as he believes that you aren’t interested. If he likes fishing, hunting or sporting events, he’ll take his buddies because he doesn’t want to bore you. Your husband does expect you to be available for dinner, the movies, the theater or a show. Make time for the things you both enjoyed while dating and he will thank you for it.

3. Quiet Time

Your husband loves you and the kids but, he also wants some time to be alone and at peace. You should want this as well because everyone needs some time to recharge. Show him that you understand this by giving him his alone time and get the children to honour this. Of course, you have your needs as well so it is good to develop a schedule or a checklist. A little compromise can go a long way so be flexible and commit to making this work.

5 Things Men Want From Their Wives

4. An Attractive Wife

You don’t have to look like a supermodel or a movie star even if you are one but your husband wants you to look good. Don’t let yourself go and use the excuse that it’s because of the kids. You know you can look as good as you did when you first said “I do”. Get active with your husband and be the best version of yourselves that you can be. It can be difficult to start an exercise regime. Start with an activity you find fun, for example, tennis. Take care of yourself and your spouse, if you want to be around to enjoy your grandchildren.

5. Respect

Aretha Franklin isn’t the only one who wants respect. You do and so does your husband. Don’t talk down to him or put him down in front of others. Give him his due when he does something right or goes above what you expected. It doesn’t take much to show your husband that you respect him. This is necessary for a healthy marriage. Your marriage is a work in progress. Don’t try to make too many changes suddenly. Listen to your husband and also let him know your needs. Finding the right balance is possible if you aim
to be a wise wife. Thank you for reading and please feel free to comment below what things you would add to this list. For more information on improving your marriage, get your free copy of The Wise Wife Manifesto.