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5 Ways To Make Your Marriage Stronger | The Wise Wife

With a higher divorce rate now than in the past, more and more couples are finding it difficult to stay together. So what can you as a wise wife do to make your marriage strong enough not to fall into this statistic? There are some problems that a marriage faces that require professional help. There are also relationship coaches, like myself and others, who can offer insights and ideas to guide you to a better marriage. With this in mind, let’s take a look at some things you can do to strengthen your marriage.

Leave Work At Work 

This may be hard to do based on how demanding your schedule is and how time-sensitive projects are. Regardless of these things, you must prioritize your husband. Spend time with him as soon as you get home and, do not put this off as you will get tired. Do not try to multitask your husband. As good as you are, you simply cannot do it and he will feel insignificant. Yes, your husband will understand that you have work that you must get done but, is your work more important than your marriage? Delegate and let the other people carry out tasks that do not require your full attention. You have an important job of being there for your husband so don’t slack off.

Be Less Selfish 

This is one of the things some couples struggle with. The problem is, that you do not realize that you are being selfish. An example of this is what you do when you get home from work. Do you hug and kiss your spouse and spend time with him? Or do you say hello and go unwind by yourself? Whether it is time on your electronic device or watching the television, are you alone? If this is the case, then you must address this. You must make spending time with your husband an absolute priority. Spending time together does not include both of you in the same room doing your own thing. This is basically the same as the two of you being apart as there is no interaction. Find ways to engage your husband and spend quality time together. A good way to start is to sit down with a cup of tea when you both get together and have a good chat. Whatever you do, it is important to put the phone away and give your husband your full attention. This is your life partner so aim to share your life with him.

Don’t Let The Love Die

Many couples separate because their love life has fallen flat and, they just don’t feel like they did early in their marriage. This may be due to them not behaving the way they did when they were newlyweds. Don’t ever stop doing the things you did when you fell for your husband. Hold him close to you at every opportunity. Be generous and passionate as you were when you were dating. Do not let anything get in the way of being intimate with your husband. Send the children to bed and take time to enjoy each other. Don’t become the “I have a headache” wife and then wonder what went wrong with your sex life. Take care of yourself physically so you can physically satisfy your husband. Think passionately about your husband, speak passionately with him and act passionately with him. Immerse yourself in him when you are together.

Indulge Your Husband

It is easy for mothers to pamper their kids and forget their husbands but you must try to find a balance. Your typical husband won’t complain about you spoiling the kids and not him but he would want to. Keep him in mind and do the things that you know he likes. Get him that new toy that he has his eye on. Cook his favourite meal or bake his favourite dessert. Not at the expense of his health but, as a treat to show how much you love him. Reward your husband for being kind and considerate to you. Don’t do these things in a manipulative way, for example, if you want something from him. Well, not regularly. He will appreciate you making him feel like the King of the house and will treat you as his Queen.

Learn From Experience 

The value of experience is never to be overlooked. Observe people who have good healthy marriages and learn from them. Watch how they look at each other, how they touch each other and how they speak to each other. Use them as sounding boards for any tough decision or problem you may be facing. You may feel that what you are facing is unique or embarrassing but chances are they have been through it before. You should also read and research marriage topics as knowledge is essential for all aspects of life. Do not mistakenly believe that you know everything you need to know to have a happy marriage.

Your marriage is in your own hands. You have the power to make it great. For more information on improving your marriage, get your free copy of The WiseWife Manifesto. If you have any other suggestions or words of advice to your fellow wise wives, please feel free to share them. Thank you for reading and enjoy your life together.